Website Design, Reliable Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation & Submission, Good Technical Support, Reasonable Prices
You may print this sheet for future reference
If you are thinking of buying a domain name, please beware. When it comes to transferring the name for hosting - It is not always easy and sometimes it is impossible. If you let me buy the name for you (from where it will be hosted), I will do so putting your name as the registrant (you will be the legal owner).
Website production by sitemaker1.com
Site design
Domain names
Annual charge
Email return form
Search engines
Links and Search Engines
Terms and Conditions
Website production by sitemaker1.com
Hazel Morris M.A.(Ed.), B.Ed.(Hons), Cert.Ed. Member of the HTML Writers Guild
Pat Morris M.A.(Ed.), B.Ed.(Hons), Cert.Ed.
Arle Lodge, Aros, Isle of Mull PA72 6JS
Email Sitemaker1.com for free advice.
VAT Reg No 673 0554 36
website www.sitemaker1.com
Quick, friendly and efficient website production. Suitable for small businesses.
General charges. To help your budgetting, you may wish to pay by standing order, dividing the total cost into 10 equal monthly payments. There is an extra charge of £10 per year for this service. A 6 page (or less) website is created free of charge but a £50 maintenance fee is payable annually. Extra pages are £15 each. Special Extras are available. Website promotion in search engines is between £8 and £17 for each set of keywords, depending on how many sets you have - I recommend 20 sets but it depends upon your marketing budget. Partner links scheme for Google is £60 a year. Hosting at £75 a year. Pop3 emails are charged at £10 a year for send and receive facilities. If you need to use the server for storage, then there is an extra charge of £20 per year, per account for each 100mb used. Email pointing is unlimited but charged at £5 per year. Registration is bi-annual and costs £40 for .com .net and .org and £20 for co.uk and org.uk
Or click here for details on special packages.
It would be a good idea to contact me before you buy a domain name. I can get your domain name when I arrange hosting for the site.
VAT will be added to all these prices.
Site design
Site design is important. Beware of information overload. (Like this page!) Do not pile everything on to one page, it makes navigation difficult and it takes longer for the visitor to load the page. We don't want them to get bored with the wait and go somewhere else. It is better to split up your site into several pages with a list of options on the front page.
Pictures are lovely and essential, but they do take a while to load. You could have them made smaller or put into "thumbnails". These are small versions and they load very quickly. The visitor can then click to open it larger or choose not to wait. I can use customers leaflet/photograph/text and return them. I would prefer these in digital format (text to be in .rtf - rich text format or plain text) as it will cost more for me to type in text. An email return form can included on for visitors to be able to contact the site owner. See also Extras
If you have any awarding body logos such as AA, RAC or English Tourism Council, these help a lot. Also consider small pieces of movement to attract the eye such as a banner moving across the page with a small graphic and a slogan.
The use of colour is important, it helps to create the same ambiance on your website as you do in your establishment. Are you happy, sunny and colourful, or are you suave, stylish and colour co-ordinated?
Domain names.
What's in a name? Well on the web you can tell a lot by your name. Most service providers give a free hosting service. You can easily see a "free" site by the name. Example www.yourclub.freeserve.co.uk The free service is intended for clubs and societies, village bulletin boards and your holiday snaps but it is not meant to be used by commercial organisations. You should buy a domain name Example http://www.yourname.com and pay a server to host it for you.
With your British or International domain name comes registration, hosting, and multiple (pointed) email addresses. This is an annual fee. One year and every subsequent year from the completion of the site the client is billed for the site maintenance fee. If these are not paid by the annual renewal date, the site will be removed from the server.
I do not invoice for my work until the client is happy with the site. If the client has had considerable input on the design of the website, there will be an acknowledgement to them on it if they wish. Then a "domain" name will be discussed. Before you go out and buy a name, please check with me first as I will be able to buy it more cheaply.
Annual charge.
For the annual charge of £50, I do the following at regular intervals throughout the year :- Update or make small alterations to the site. Check the code in other browsers and screen resolutions, change the links or add more. At the end of the year, invoice. Update pics/text upon clients request throughout the year. This fee is not payable until one year from the original date of the invoice.
Email return form
The email return form is handy because you will find that visitors to your website just love filling in forms ! You could have your email address on as well with a hot link so that the visitor can send an email to you as normal. These are optional and you can have both the form and your address - just to make sure ! You can have any questions on the form and customise it to your liking, even create your own booking form.
Search engines
I optimise search engine friendly pages for the top UK search engines and submit manually. I then return at regular intervals checking, re-optimising and re-submitting. Google takes 86% of the market with Yahoo (7%), Bing/MSN (4%), so I concentrate on these engines.
My fee for optimisation and submission of keywords for your main domain name start £17 a year and £15.25 a year for each additional domain name. The price per phrase becomes cheaper the more phrases you have.
- 1 phrase - £17
- 2 phrases - £33.66
- 3 phrases - £49.80
- 4 phrases - £65.92
- 5 phrases - £81.25
- 6 phrases - £96.60
- 7 phrases - £110.60
- 8 phrases - £125.60
- 9 phrases - £139.50
- 10 phrases - £153.30
- 11 phrases - £166.87
- 12 phrases - £180.00
- 13 phrases - £191.75
- 14 phrases - £204.40
- 15 phrases - £217.50
- 16 phrases - £228.00
- 17 phrases - £239.70
- 18 phrases - £248.40
- 19 phrases - £259.54
- 20 phrases - £270.00
- 25 phrases - £315.00
- 30 phrases - £349.80
- 35 phrases - £374.50
- 40 phrases - £393.20
- 45 phrases - £397.35
- 50 phrases - £400.00
Foreign search engines submission is £15.25 per domain name. I submit to Google, Yahoo and other engines
When submitting to search engines,
you may not see much progress for two months or so (the robots do not hurry themselves!) I have spent a long time studying search engines and my strategy is this, - I submit regularly keeping to the rules of each search engine. I work out which qualities your top competitors websites in each of the top search engines has got. (They must be the right ones otherwise they wouldn't be top ! )
- Then I copy these qualities on to your website. (Different for every search engine.)
My system is meticulous, quite technical and very time consuming. I have to be accurate and have the patience of a saint - but it works. With such persistence, needless to say, I am very successful.
My Links Page Venture
Following Googles emphasis on links, I get a few links for you and also I give you all the help you will need to find links for yourself, then I upload them for you. My charge for this service is only £60 a year, regardless of the number of links we get. Gradually your linkspage fills up and when you have a hundred links, we will start a new page.
I will need to have some keywords or very short phrases which are relevant to your establishment. Separate each with a comma and a space. Do not repeat words, but include different spellings in case the person using the search engine cannot spell.
There is an advantage to letting me host your website on my server. I have special access to this server and, after a while, I can tell the exact words people are using in the search engines to find your website. This information can be used in my website promotion to great advantage. I would not have access to this "inside" information if you had your website hosted elsewhere. (please see below for additional service in this area).
Links on your site
A link is "hot" so that when a visitor clicks on it he gets taken to that site. The ideal thing is to have a reciprocal link. ie. you have a link on your site out to someone else's site and they include a link back to your site on theirs. Smaller establishments will be happy to do this free for mutual benefit. However smaller establishments do not have the traffic. Larger sites such as the Tourist Board, can charge a lot per year for the link, but it works.
If you are a guesthouse, for example, it would not be of any advantage to link to another guesthouse (they are the opposition), so try and find a local artist, theme park or visitor attraction, this will add to the allure of your site and encourage people to stay at your hotel.
You do not need the permission of the site owner to put his/her link on to your site.
The efficacy of these links depends on you as you know your area and your market. It is worth noting here that often the search engines look for links and you will rank higher, the more links you have pointing to your site. I have also invisibly linked every site I do, to every other site I have done, for this reason.
Links and Search Engines
Links to you improve your sites traffic, popularity and search engine rankings.
They are HTML links on other web sites on the Internet that point to yours. By increasing the number of links pointing to your web site, you increase your domain's popularity.
Google factors the links to you into their relevancy algorithms when they rank your web site. Increasing the number of links to your URL can greatly improve your search result positioning.
I link sites I have done to your site. Then I submit to the top search engines manually, regularly throughout the year. (see above)
There are various little "extras" you could have on your site.
Currency converter This helps your foreign guests to estimate the cost of their holidays.
Moving banner This enables you to highlight certain things.
Mapfinder This enables your visitors to print a map of your area at any magnification.
Musical background This helps you to set the scene.
Translator This translates between French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and English.
Visit counter This counts, very inaccurately, the amount of visitors you have had to your site.
Email return form On domain name sites, this enables email to be sent directly to you. The form can have any type or amount of "fields" on it. You could even adapt it into a booking form.
Graphical entry to your form This prevents the robots filling it in and sending it to you as spam.
Thumbnail pictures This enables your site to download quickly and gives the visitor the oportunity to click on the picture to make it larger.
Link through This is useful for anyone who has two sites to enable their visitors to toggle between the two sites easily.
Animated picture This is handy for anyone who wants to do something unusual to get their site remembered.
Slideshow This is handy for anyone who wants to show a lot of pictures. Each has a "click to enlarge" facility.
Date This is handy for anyone who wants to show the current date on their website.
Snow Picture I can put snow over your picture.
Night and Day I can make your picture change from night to day on mouse over.
Water Picture I can put water in your picture.
Secure Server I can put one of your pages on to a secure server so that your clients can pay you by credit card. My charge is £50 a year for this.
Availability Calendar I can put a calendar on your website which you can alter yourself. £10 a year each
Guestbook I can put a guestbook on your website.
Pass it on to a friend I can put a "pass this website on to your friend".
The weather I can put a "See the weather in our area".
Coloured Scroll Bars (See the side of this page)
Terms and Conditions
The client retains ownership of the resources but I have ownership of the html script and passwords used to upload the site.
The client is obliged to pay the annual maintenance fee (£50 + VAT) if the website has been created in accordance with the charges outlined above.
If the client wishes to own the HTML code, there is no annual maintenance fee or support of any kind, the client is then responsible for his/her own alterations and hosting/registration renewal. The html code can be purchased for £635 + VAT.
My definition of "hosting" comprises server rental fees and my fees for maintaining the continuity of your website on that server.
I do not send the invoice unless the client is happy with my work. If the client is not happy with my work, I remove it from the web and they owe me nothing. However, the client is liable to pay for the registration of a domain name which may have been bought for them. The client is free to take his/her domain name elsewhere if he/she wishes.
Payment is required within 28 days of the invoice date. Alternatively, the payment can be made by 10 monthly standing orders. If no payment (or request for a standing order mandate form) is made within 28 days of the invoice date, a reminder is sent. If the payment is not received in full after a further 28 days, the website will be removed from the web until the invoice has been settled.