Website Design, Reliable Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation & Submission, Good Technical Support, Reasonable Prices
Do you need a website? Have you found that website designers charge a fortune and you do not have the time to do it yourself?
If you like my simple uncomplicated style, and would like a free trial period, why not let me design your website for you?
**Unlimited email addresses** if you buy hosting from me. **only £75 per year**
It would be a good idea to scroll down and visit some other sites I have created. I am pleased to answer enquiries by email Email Sitemaker1.com |
A website is no good if it can't be found. Click here to learn about my search engine optimistation
Standard Website
- Name - from £20 (2 years)
- Hosting - £75 a year
- Search engine optimisation/submission - from £8 a year per set of keywords to UK engines (at least 15 sets recommended)
- Search engine optimisation/submission - from £8 a year to submit all the above sets to US and global engines
- Partner links scheme (for Google) - £60
- Site, up to 6 pages - £50 (includes first years maintenance)
- Extra pages - £15 each
- Maintenance (subsequent years) £50 a year